Currently we offer our API in the following languages -
Click on the links to view the different implementations.
If any implementation is needed please contact us.
For more info please contact our Skype support: support.affilitest
The 400 Bad Request status means that you provided a bad request to the server.
We suggest checking the parameters in your request. Missing parameters, incorrect encoding and etc will result in 400 Bad Request
being sent back.
For more info please contact our Skype support: support.affilitest
This status returns with on of the following error messages -
Authorization is needed to access this feature
Missing Authorization data
Invalid Authorization type
Invalid API Key length
Invalid API Key
Incorrect session value provided
Login session expired
Please verify your account
Respectively, it means the following -
For more info please contact our Skype support: support.affilitest
403 Status Forbidden occurs on two occasions -
The solution for these errors is the same -
Please check that your payment has been received and that you are registered to one of our packages.
If you are and you still receive these errors then please contact our support via Skype: support.affilitest
AffiliTest limits API access to 50 requests per 30 seconds.
This means, to put it simply, that once an API request is made, you can call up to 50 requests in the 30 seconds time frame.
If you receive Too many requests per second Limit is ...
then please throttle (rate limit) your requests to our servers.
An example of rate limiting implementation can be found here
For more info please contact our Skype support: support.affilitest
The 500 Internal Server Error happens due to several different server related errors.
Upon receiving the 500 status code, please retry performing the request.
If the status code persists then contact our support team via our Skype: support.affilitest